Dine to Donate

This is a great opporunity for eligiable groups and non-profit organizations to host an all day event at the Village Tavern & Grill while earning a percentage of food purchases. All you do is sign up and promote your event by distributing the flyers to your supporters, social websites like facebook makes this so easy to promote to your friends, coworkers and family members. Supporters can dine anytime during your scheduled day for lunch or dinner, they are not required to dine as a group.
The simple concept is to gather and many people as possible to dine-out at The Village Tavern & Grill on your specified day. We take care of everything else. We will payback 20% of all revenue collected to your cause!
You request a date and time to sponsor a "Dine to Donate" event by completing and submitting the form below. We will contact you to schedule your event date. Remember to allow enough time for you to promote your event and provide your sponsors with the form.
See Our Resource Center below for more information and forms.
It's Easy to Find Sponsors.
Invite everyone you know to your " Dine to Donate" all day fundraising event. Invite your friends, family, business associates, church members, social contacts and anyone else you know. Provide your sponsors with a simple form to bring along with them, they can come anytime during your schedule "Dine to Donate" Day.
Resource Center
Download & Printable Documents
Raising money has never been so easy, fast, and fun!
Why Do It?
This program was developed to help raise funds for non-profit groups/organizations. Most people go out to eat on occasion and why not support local organizations while your dining out?
*Diners bring in a flyer from the local participating non-profit and Village Tavern & Grill.
How Does It Work?
How Do I Get Sponsors?
How Do I Get Started?
Have questions about our Dine to Donate Program?
For questions and available dates please contact us directly by phone or use the form below.
The program is organized and promoted by YOU!
This is a great way to raise money for your church, baseball team, school or any other organization or fundraising campaign. Currently we support 2-5 Dine to Donate events every week. Let Us Help You!